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DiPietro's pads

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If the pads werent approved and word comes out they were not legal, they could suspend him...

Do you read links before posting in the topic? They're legal, DiPietro said he had no clue they weren't approved because everything that reaches him for game use is. If they ended up being illegal, automatic 2 game suspension for illegal equipment.

As for what SRI said, I'm sure there are leniencies that come into play when you're dealing with fractions of an inch. If the seams make the pads go to 11.1" then they'd probably make a note and approve the pad, telling the manufacturer to beware of their seams. There's a limit to the angle on the blocker that I'm sure they eyeball most of the time, and measuring catching circumference all falls to whether the inspector wants to be an ass and measure along the seam or on the outside or whether they'll let a tenth of an inch go.

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I don't think they were legal..I just think that the NHL didn't like that he was wearing them without their approval...interested to see what is to come regarding this

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Well, my theory is this (not that it matters, but, makes the most sense to me knowing how the system is supposed to work)...

The entire set of pads/trapper/blocker is sent to Toronto for inspection. The trapper/blocker pass, however, there is something wrong with the pads. Itech is informed that they need to fix the problem and instead of resubmitting the pads to the Toronto office, take photos and email them in, showing the fix.

The entire set is sent back to Itech. Once Itech gets the gear back, they fix the pads, probably take the photos, but, don't send the photos to the NHL office. The gear is then sent to the Islanders.

Somewhere in the time that the gear goes from NHL Toronto back to Itech and then over to the Islanders, DiPietro gets injured.

Toronto NHL has gear coming in daily, as well as making spot checks on goalies coming through Toronto, so, they don't follow up on the DiPietro pads because they know he is injured.

10 days goes by and all of a sudden, DiPietro shows up playing with the entire set of white gear. Remember, the gloves DID pass since he finished the game with them.

Whitmore is watching the game thinking "I never saw the pics from Goyer." He checks his file before making the phone call to the NHL's ultimate cheating goalie, Garth Snow. Whitty advises Snow that the pads have NOT been approved and tells him that the pads need to be removed at the end of the period.

DiPietro, lucky that he is playing at home, has his previous sets there to choose from in order to finish the game. had he been on the road without a backup pair of pads, he would have had to either use the backup goalies pads, or, be disqualified from further play in the game.

Game ends and the Isles lose.

The following morning, Itech emails the photos to the NHL offices. I don't believe that the pads were ever sent back to the NHL for inspection; just the photos were emailed. I think the story is fantastic from the Isles side of "Lets hope the pads make it to Colorado in time for our game there", but, that isn't the reality. Reality would tell us that you cannot ship pads from NY to Toronto on Friday for a Saturday Delivery, and have the pads show up in Denver that same night!! Nice try Isles!

On Friday, the NHL comes out with a press release, admitting no fault on anyone's part, simply issuing a statement that the pads were found to be legal.

Case closed.

A post rife with sarcasm and innuendo indeed, but a cool look at how things work.

Who pays to have stuff sent around like that? The team? The manufacturer? Seems to me that if the League needs to see the stuff, they should pay, but I can totally see the League saying if you want to use the pads in our league, you pay.


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Thanks SRI, intresting post.

What does the NHL office check in terms of gear? Do they check every single piece of equipment or only e.g. sticks, elbow pads and goalie gear?

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That seems to be a little more than just a theory. Sounds very, very plausible.

Now...had they been on the road...could he/would he have been able to use the back up goalies gear and stay in the game?

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On that note, it is always funny to hear who is a team's emergency goalie. That being the regular skater who would be allowed to don the pads and step between the pipes.

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