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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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New NBH one95 pads!

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Ok, I may get into troubles for posting that, but a guy I know took those pictures I don't know where with his cell-phone. I have no other info than what you see on those pictures. I just can't keep them for myself. Since it's not from somebody involved in gear mfg, not even a goalie, I'm thinking "who cares", it's just me getting exposed.

I take one for the team!

so here they are:





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aren't you a little out of place chakal? :P

Just kidding but really... Assuming you are the wrestling lovin, goalie that has been such an asset on GSBB we can use a guy like you over here, even if it's only every once in a while.

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If it's in two colors, they alright, kinda like the Bryzgalov pads. But the tri color is a little iffy. And def don't like how the arrows say, aim/shoot at my crotch.

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I'm not a fan of the One95, the grapih makes me want to barf, and the overall design is pretty much the TPS Response pad.


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Nice DP colin97 :D i love the doors! lol

Here is a quote from the a member at the RBK forum who demo'd the pads:

sorry guys im having email problems but as soon as I get them I will email em to maddogg.

I demo'd them yesterday and this morning and they are pretty nice, not as much of a rip of the RBK as they look. I was wearing straight up 36 inch pads, and I normally wear 34 + 2 so my knee wasnt dropping in the cradle....at all. Now these were prototype pads that they send out to pros and college guys, they get feedback and then change what got alot of complaints.

Things I would change:

1. The knee strap was wicked tight and is dug into the back of my knee. Im wearing my RBKs pretty loose so this was a big annoyance.

2. Boot level almost was a 90 degree angle from the shin. I like almost a 45 degree break so when you butterfly pucks go to the side rather than straight up the middle. No company actually makes it how I would want it but RBK is the closest.

3. They used the real flimsy leather straps and again I like the RBK straps that are hard.

4. Blocker was really flat, just a little tiny curve at the top which made paddle down difficult.

Other than that a pretty decent pad that I think most people will enjoy as long as they change at least the knee strap. For those of you complaining of the leg channel being complex I didnt mind it at all. There wasnt a strap for the leg channel just two wings so really I couldnt tell it was even there. I still have it removed on my order tho. Oh and I didnt get a chance with the glove the rep couldnt get it back from the kid of UVM for some reason....

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I'm not a fan of the One95, the grapih makes me want to barf, and the overall design is pretty much the TPS Response pad.


LMAO...if you say soo....but honestly very ugly looking pads in my opinion :wacko::unsure:

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