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Ballistik Offset Blade Pattern

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Can anyone provide me with some feedback on the Offset composite blade pattern that Ballistik Hockey produces? What are the blades tendencies?

I have a well developed shot and am not sure if this blade was created for beginners. I'm looking for a blade that generally plays like a Forsberg/Modano but will also allow me to roof the puck from in close.

Thanks in advance.

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The old stuff was junk but at least it was cheap. I haven't seen much of the new stuff but it seems to break fairly easily. The concept of the offset is to make a smaller curve work like a big meat hook for shooting. The problem is that it makes using the backhand for shooting or roofing totally useless. I use small curve and can roof the puck on my forehand or backhand while standing in the paint. It's all about practice.

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I have an old Hespler Gretzky II offset in my basement. Someone talked me into the offset blade back in the day.

Chadd's right, they didn't do anything you can't do with a normal blade and some practice. Plus every other faceoff someone was telling me that my stick was broken.

I had the same problem when I started. I just got on the ice early or stayed after a bit, took 5 pucks and lined them up in the crease and practiced roofing them on the forehand and backhand until I could do it like second nature. It won't take long once you get the hang of it.

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It’s defiantly a gimmick. I also had the Hespeller Gretzky II offset blade. I did not notice harder shots or anything, but it did make everything go wide right when I first used it.

Like the guys above stated, if you want to roof it all you need is practice..the offset is not the answer.

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my son (Pee-Wee A) has had 2 Ballistik sticks that he really liked. The were pretty durable for him.

Stay away from the offset blade. It's a gimmick, better to learn to shoot the puck right than to try and use a gimmick shortcut and learn to do it wrong.

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Thanks guys, I'll stay away from the offset pattern. I do fine with the Modano/Forsberg pattern...just looking for something with a tad more natural lift to it.

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Thanks guys, I'll stay away from the offset pattern. I do fine with the Modano/Forsberg pattern...just looking for something with a tad more natural lift to it.

I switched from the Modano to the Sherwood Spezza for that little bit of extra lift and it worked for me.

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