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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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  1. FYI, I have the X01 and there was a question of youth skates with the adult holder. My smallest child (I have 4 kids) wears size 9 youth. I had 2 pair of size 9 and one pair was not a problem. The other pair that she is now using (the other size 9 had a deffective holder mounting) BARELY fits to the point where I can cut ONLY the needed part of the skate. Some of the tip of the toe is not reachable but that does not need to get sharpened anyway. Blackstone told me the Adult was good down to a 7, but I think that's brand/holder specific. I'm loving this thing. I have the 95/1 and 100/.50 FBV as well as 7/16 ROH. Rink does 7/16 ROH as standard so I've been using 95/1 mostly for everyone. I"m saving a boatload of time and don't have to worry about the kids edges being good before a game. If they have damage, I just go to the basement. I'm also noticing more about how rushed the rink has been in sharpening. A pair my son got in Aug of this year has much of his left boot ground away making it like it has a shorter radius in the back on 1 foot. I"m happy that I"m taking the sharpening into my own hands so I can pay attention to this stuff and not worry about it.
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