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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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black hills tj

Stick Identification

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We have a local CHL team here, and I was able to get one of the player's broken sticks. Broke the blade and hacked it off. Its a tapered Easton stick, but I have no idea exactly what it is. Here are a couple pictures, maybe you can help.


It says Kevlar on it, and it has this barcode and "code" which reads "B77927" and "06G526"


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look inside the shaft at the top there should be another sticker with another bar code on it.. since its a tapered shaft from easton my guess is either a repainted SE16 or ST

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I'll get some better pictures for you guys today, and I'll see if I can pull the plug and check inside the shaft. If I find a tapered blade, I can just slip that bad boy in there and call it good, right:?

Well it is either going to be an SE16 or an ST. If it was a true S19, it would have the elliptical taper and you would have to flip the shaft and use a standard blade. If a tapered blade fits, that leaves the other two as the options. Just make sure its a snug (but not to tight fit) or else you risk the blade coming out of the shaft during play, etc...

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Well it is either going to be an SE16 or an ST. If it was a true S19, it would have the elliptical taper and you would have to flip the shaft and use a standard blade. If a tapered blade fits, that leaves the other two as the options. Just make sure its a snug (but not to tight fit) or else you risk the blade coming out of the shaft during play, etc...

I'm not all that familiar with the shape of a tapered shaft, but I'd call the opening fairly elliptical.

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I'm not all that familiar with the shape of a tapered shaft, but I'd call the opening fairly elliptical.

The one on the left is a tapered shaft, the one on the right is a standard shaft. If the shaft is elliptical, then it is a broken true S19 and you would have to put a standard blade in the butt end and the elliptical part will become the handle. This means that you won't be able to put an extension in the shaft as well. Unless you do some major sanding. Haha. I hope this helps though.


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The one on the left is a tapered shaft, the one on the right is a standard shaft. If the shaft is elliptical, then it is a broken true S19 and you would have to put a standard blade in the butt end and the elliptical part will become the handle. This means that you won't be able to put an extension in the shaft as well. Unless you do some major sanding. Haha. I hope this helps though.


It is indeed Elliptical then. Is it even worth using then?

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