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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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one90/one95 skate owners, pain at the top of the boot on the side from the boot

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at the top of the boot, the sides of my feet (both exterior sides of my feet), I get a really annoying pain, and it's not going away

is there any fix to it?

I know this was a known issue, and they fixed it with the new total one/100's by adding the soft material... but is there anything I can do to my one95's to fix it? I been playing quite a bit of hockey, and it's killin me

incase my post is confusing, I've drawn a picture


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I'm not too sure if this is correct, but I'm gonna go out on a limb here and guess that your having some sort of problem with the boot. It sounds like it's either too tight, too stiff, or your ankles are really mobile with the boot. I'd try to either loosen the top row up, or try to add a soft foam just in between. Or of course I'm wrong. Just my guess. Hope it helps.

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I'm not too sure if this is correct, but I'm gonna go out on a limb here and guess that your having some sort of problem with the boot. It sounds like it's either too tight, too stiff, or your ankles are really mobile with the boot. I'd try to either loosen the top row up, or try to add a soft foam just in between. Or of course I'm wrong. Just my guess. Hope it helps.

you may be right, and I appreciate your input, but the fact that the newer boots come with a 'soft' padding up there indicates to me that it's a design flaw

if no one suggests anything, I'll try what you've suggested by loosening the top/adding a foam

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How do you lace them up?

Tight as possible all the way thru. Or just normal strength on certain areas? Is it because it is uber tight on top or is it loose?

Also, what is the size of skate?

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How do you lace them up?

Tight as possible all the way thru. Or just normal strength on certain areas? Is it because it is uber tight on top or is it loose?

Also, what is the size of skate?


I lace them fairly tight, but don't kill it...I'd say it's tightened same tightness throughout the boot

I also used waxed laced

everything feels great, except for that

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I had the same problem if I skated for a few days in a row. I used bunga pads up there to help alleviate the pain. You could also try some sort of foam to fill that extra space maybe?

I feel mine was caused by extra space (my ankle could move side to side depending on how my foot was postitioned).


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is the top where it is hurting loose or tight?

if it is the former try tightening really tight and wrap around. if it is the later you have too small skate and D would suit you much better.. from what I'm reading. then just kind of tighten it just enough so its not loose .

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I'm pretty sure there was a thread that was related to this issue where the edge of the boot digged into the foot? and thats why most pro's have the feature that is now on the totalones where around that area there is a soft part..

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at the top of the boot, the sides of my feet (both exterior sides of my feet), I get a really annoying pain, and it's not going away

is there any fix to it?

I know this was a known issue, and they fixed it with the new total one/100's by adding the soft material... but is there anything I can do to my one95's to fix it? I been playing quite a bit of hockey, and it's killin me

incase my post is confusing, I've drawn a picture


FWIW, I've got One95s, lace them all the way up, as tight as I can at the top, and don't have that problem.

Have you had this problem since you started wearing them?

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try heating that particular area with a heat gun (be careful not to burn yourself or the boot, though), then tight them well, skate for a while. and repeat the process until it doesnt hurt anymore. its essentially like doing a heating on that particular area only, since its whats bothering you. I tried it and it worked wonders for me.

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I made comment on this once before here and my comment was discredited...... but seeing how Bauer has since added a soft pad to the area in question I think I was on the mark. But anyway......You arent the only one , as I said before everyone I know that has the skates bears the mark from being rubbed raw by the top of the boot, some trimming and some mole skin did the trick for me, healing up the hole it wore high ankle was trickier.

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I'm pretty sure there was a thread that was related to this issue where the edge of the boot digged into the foot? and thats why most pro's have the feature that is now on the totalones where around that area there is a soft part..

yep, that's exactly what's happening

it's digging into it as I move/twist

is the top where it is hurting loose or tight?

if it is the former try tightening really tight and wrap around. if it is the later you have too small skate and D would suit you much better.. from what I'm reading. then just kind of tighten it just enough so its not loose .

it's tight

why would it be, that if it's too tight, the skate is small for me? I am not following

Have you had this problem since you started wearing them?

not the first few games, but they were so stiff and I was coming from graf's that I was skating VERY poorly, probably poorly enough that I wasn't leaning over...but it happens after 2-3 sessions back to back (or within a few days)

I do have two buddies, one with one90's and one with one95's, and neither have this issue

try heating that particular area with a heat gun (be careful not to burn yourself or the boot, though), then tight them well, skate for a while. and repeat the process until it doesnt hurt anymore. its essentially like doing a heating on that particular area only, since its whats bothering you. I tried it and it worked wonders for me.

not a bad idea, I'll give it a try if the moleskin don't get the trick done

I made comment on this once before here and my comment was discredited...... but seeing how Bauer has since added a soft pad to the area in question I think I was on the mark. But anyway......You arent the only one , as I said before everyone I know that has the skates bears the mark from being rubbed raw by the top of the boot, some trimming and some mole skin did the trick for me, healing up the hole it wore high ankle was trickier.

I agree...thanks, I'll try moleskin...where do you usually get that? fabric store? or like pharmacy?

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My One95's rip the crap out of my ankles in that spot. It's to the point where I am getting new skates. I can't deal anymore. While I haven't tried affixing anything tho the boot - the only protection that has worked for me (that didn't slide off the sore spot) are those neoprene ankle bracelets. I put them on and then I pull it off my heel and up so there is a double layer of protection with nothing under my heel. That is the only thing that has worked so far.

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I have had this problem in other skates (Torspo Surge 221) before, but it subsided over time. Some combination of not lacing the top eyelet and the materials softening up over time, and the issue eventually resolved itself.

I currently skate in One95s, and have not had any issues like this whatsoever with these skates. I'm sure it's been a problem for plenty of people, based on the testimonials and the fact that Bauer changed that part on the new Supreme line, but it hasn't been a problem for me at all.

As a side note, I don't lace the top eyelet on my One95s, and from what I gather, there are a lot of other people who follow the same curse of action. Maybe try skipping the top eyelet and see if it helps.

Also... socks could be playing a part in this. Have you been wearing tall socks?

I generally wear a pair of Under Armour baseball socks when I skate. Perhaps this helps negate some of the rubbing problem that you've been having.

Good luck. Hope you can make the skates work for you.

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and here I am 4 years later breaking in a new pair of one/100s and and having the same issue...same hole...*L*

The majority of reasons for pain in this area is that there is too much movement of the heel in the skate. The "subtalar"joint in the heel, as we go into full weight bearing (skating), controls the movement of the foot as well as the alignment of the lower leg. I have seen a number of examples of the heel dropping downward and inward too much as we push off, this causes the lower leg to torsion or twist. This is usually what causes the irritation there. Usually there will also be dramatic signs of wear on this part of the skate.

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I have the same problem. Strangly only with the left foot but it is really bad to the point where the leg/ankle is pretty banged up. Gel pads help but i would Love to hear something that works better.

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have you tried superfeet? i sold my one95s and got s17s which did the same thing till i stopped flopping the tongue and used super feet, how my right foot is still messed as i'm getting pain in my knee/hip after skating but no more skate digging into my leg.

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Glad I saw this thread today - I have a pair of One90's I converted to roller and during last practise, the top of the boot (exactly where people are discussing) rubbed/sliced a cut above my ankle. Made the session pretty sore...

Only affects one side however (right, outside of leg)

Think I'll try the bunga gels

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wow, old thread resurrected

I never got a good solution, but I am happy to say it's gone away, totally, I guess the boot broke down to the point where it wasn't an issue anymore

gl to anyone with this issue, it sucks!

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