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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Lifts for LLD?...help from skate pros

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Having long known about having a leg length discrepancy and ignoring it, I've only just begun doing something about it after getting injured training. Now wearing a 13mm insert in my left shoe (the shorter leg), I have already noticed a major difference. I can only imagine how this has affected my performance on the ice. I need to find a solution for my skate (Mission S500 w/stock Pitch3 holders).

As a long time reader of the board, most of the talk about lifts I've read here focused more on adjusting pitch, not dealing with LLD. How much lift can be put on a skate before structural or other problems arise? Is the fix simple? More complicated due to the height? Negative effects on boot performance (twisting, flexing, prone to breakage)? I would greatly appreciate any help with solving this problem.

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Should be simple enough when done properly; I know of a Sabre who has at least 1/4" of lifts under the front and rear towers on his left skate (nothing on the right). The thing was heavy as Hell, but I guess it does the trick.

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That thread really opened my eyes. I believe it can be done, and I've actually tried it out myself... got some success with the additional lifts on my right leg (chiro did a check and my right hip was higher than my left by about 5mm, not a lot, but I guess it was due to an old injury...

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